Press Releases

Pilots urge Ryanair to fulfil their promises

Strike on 28 September

Since fall 2017 and the cancelation of thousands of flights, the Belgian Cockpit Association has had one clear-cut demand: the application of Belgian labor law, a prerequisite before the designation of a trade union delegation and the negotiation of a Collective Labor Agreement (CLA). Since then, Ryanair have been promising us at numerous occasions, orally and by writing, they would meet our request. However, nine months later, the conclusion is irrevocable: they have not fulfilled their promises and are just trying to gain time.

 It seems that this summer’s strikes were insufficient to make it clear to Mr O’Leary that we won’t give in. On 11 September, during a meeting at the ministry of Labor, Ryanair had a new opportunity to come to an agreement. An opportunity they missed when, on 18 September, they postponed the application of Belgian Labor Law till March 2020. Way too late according to pilots and the minister of Employment, Kris Peeters. Yesterday, Commissioner Thyssen reminded Mr O’Leary that the application of law is not to be negotiated and that “it’s not the flag of the aircraft that determines the applicable law”.

With a seven-day notice in order to allow passengers to adapt their plans and give Ryanair management a last chance to sign our CLA proposal, Ryanair pilots will go on strike tomorrow, 28 September, joining pilots and cabin crew from several European countries.

At the time of publication, Ryanair management has not sent us any official letter to inform us about the acceptation of our demands, despite several contradictory statements made in the media and on their corporate website these past couple of days.

Despite the 7-day notice, Ryanair decided to cancel only a few flights. We apologise towards our passengers for any inconvenience caused.

Ryanair must change. Now.

Contact persons:

Alain Vanalderweireldt (BeCA President): +32 476.93.24.10

Isabelle De Gandt (BeCA Executive Coordinator): +32 478.99.20.34

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