Special thanks!
The President joins all the members of the Directors’ committee in warmly thanking all the BeCA volunteer pilots who, since its creation, have helped the association in one way or another.
You are the “lifeblood” of our association!
We are thinking in particular to all those who give some of their time:
- As BeCA representatives: to run the association, coordinate actions and support to members facing an accident/serious incident or medical, legal, fiscal, or licensing issues.
- As Pilot representatives with union mandates in airlines: to make the BeCA’s voice heard in airlines, to represent the profession by defending the terms & working conditions of their colleagues, and promote aviation safety.
- As key active members: who step in at one time or another to offer their services punctually or at short notice.
Your dedication is fundamental to the work we do. You are essential to us.
Thanks to your input, specific skills, and positive energy, we can keep our association “For Pilots, By Pilots” going.
With the active involvement of many of you in the collective effort all these years, we can spread the voice of the pilots out loud!
Thanks to all of you, we can be grateful for the past, cherish the present, and dream of the future!
Let’s keep our profession a passion!
Do you want to reinforce our team? Discover our page “Why become a BeCA volunteer pilot?”:
- What can you get out of your active involvement?
- How you can help us?